We work to provide excellent performance at the highest levels to achieve leadership in the manufacture of cleaning equipment - waste presses of various sizes, flaps, water tanks, equipment for washing sidewalks and containers, cranes for transporting cars of various sizes, maintenance baskets for lighting poles of various heights and all sizes of waste containers
A national industry characterized by quality, efficiency and after-sales services
We always strive for excellence and quality in our work to serve our customers and partners and achieve this through follow-up, development and after-sales service in all that we produce.
- Seek to establish strategic partnerships with distinguished parties at the local, regional and global levels.
- To achieve variety by containing companies in the same field.
- Accelerating the development of our products and services to meet the requirements of our customers.
- Raise the standards of our products in the labor market.
- Creating an attractive work environment that makes the company a worthy destination for staff, professionals and manpower.